Amy Deluxe

We stand for quality & innovation in all aspects of shisha, accessories and tobacco.

Amy Deluxe


Our shishas are known for their high quality and excellent smoking characteristics. With our brands "Amy Deluxe", "Amir's", "Unio" and "4Stars" we have developed individual solutions for special consumer types. Special attention is paid to an unprecedented variety in design and material selection, leaving no customer wishes unfulfilled. At the same time, all our shishas are subject to constant control and further development to ensure that our customers are always fully satisfied.



Our diverse range of accessories allows an individual smoking pleasure. Whether functional extension, stylish tuning or useful gadget - the selection of useful helpers for the shisha is unparalleled. Particularly practical is the high compatibility of the products with each other and also with other brands, so that there are no limits to individual consumer wishes.

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